Social Media Consent Please fill out the below form if you would like to provide consent for Ezy Projects to gather photos and videos throughout your repair process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, call our team on 1300 399 776 Social Media Consent Form Step 1 of 2 50% Your name(Required) First Last Property Address(Required) Street Address City or Suburb State Postcode Job number (EZ)(Required) Terms and Conditions(Required) I agree to the below terms, allowing Ezy Projects to photograph and share images of my property on their Social Media accounts.I give consent to Ezy Projects Pty Ltd to photograph and use images of my property on social media or print relating to my insurance claim. I understand that Ezy Projects is under no obligation to provide any form of draft material to me for review or approval prior to use. I acknowledge that there is no financial payment or compensation relating to these activities. *Please note Ezy Projects will not disclose your personal information.Signature(Required)Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY